Banking Info

Banking Info contains the settings for the banking information used throughout School LINQ. All bank accounts used for issuing checks must be set up here.

Search and Edit

  • Enter a Bank Code or Bank Name in the search field to search for an existing bank.
  • Click the set default link in the in the Default column to set a bank as default. The changes are immediate.

  • To view or edit an existing bank, click on the Bank row. A new tab will display.

Add Bank

  • Click the add link to add a new bank. The Add Bank form will display.

  • Enter a unique code in the Bank Code field.
  • Enter the name of the bank in the Bank Name field.
  • Enter the account number in the Account # field.
  • Click the save button.


button for account details tab help files button for addresses tab help files button for check details tab help files button for attached cash accounts tab help files button for sites tab help files button for bank recon report options tab help files





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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021